Friday, July 12, 2013

Learning to farm

Neither Larry or I grew up on a farm.  So we need to start with square one, and teach ourselves. In 2011 we had a few chickens at Larry's parents house for 2 years. We lived down the street in an apartment, it was a pain walking down every morning and night to open and close the chicken door, and get them clean water. But we loved having chickens so it was totally worth it. Then we moved to the next town over...driving back and forth was not worth it. So we had to get rid of them. We attempted a garden also, but moving away we had to stop taking care of it.

So to get us prepared for the farming life, and so we can start as soon as we (hopefully)move to our new land/home, I bought some books. Most are for small scale farming and a book for farming in winter. Living in Vermont there is a lot of winter.

Click on the books to learn more*

I do like The Joy of Series, the chicken and root cellar ones were written by a local farm in Royalton, Vermont, a couple towns over from me now. And the goat and farm animal ones were written by a woman in Canada, near Vermont. So I know these authors go through about the same weather as me. 
*the images/links are my amazon affiliate links I will receive profit it you click/buy from these links 

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